Watering & Fertilizing Instructions

Please ensure your basket is ready for the weather—hardening off may be required!

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For New Guinea Impatiens (both Hanging Baskets & Wallbags)

  • These containers are NOT pre-fertilized, but are LIGHT FEEDERS and should not get too much fertilizer. Use ½ strength 20-20-20 once a week. To make ½ strength fertilizer use about 1 ½ level teaspoons per gallon (4 litres). Use warm water to completely dissolve the fertilizer crystals before use.

For Wall Pots & all Patio Planters

  • These containers are NOT pre-fertilized, and should get a weekly feeding of 20-20-20 at full strength. To make full strength fertilizer use about 3 level teaspoons per gallon (4 litres). Use warm water to completely dissolve the fertilizer crystals before use.

For All Other Hanging Baskets including Tomato Baskets & Wallbags

  • These baskets ARE pre-fertilized, but still need a weekly feeding at ½ strength of 20-20-20, for optimum show. To make ½ strength fertilizer use about 1 ½ level teaspoons per gallon (4 litres). Use warm water to completely dissolve the fertilizer crystals before use.



  • Watering frequency will vary from once every second day on rainy, cool days to two times a day or more on very hot or windy days.
  • When adjusting to weather conditions, the best indicator is the weight of the container, not the “finger test”. When watering or fertilizing, water until it runs out the bottom of the container. Note: Watch for shrinkage gaps after severe drying – in this case water will prematurely run out the bottom – if this happens place the container in a bowl full of water until fully saturated.
  • Wallbags need patient watering. The TOP half and the BOTTOM half of the bag are watered separately. The top is watered directly through the soil surface and the bottom is watered through the pipe. Alternate watering the soil surface and the pipe until water drips out the bottom drain holes.
  • Geraniums and mixed sun baskets should be placed in bright locations with a reasonable amount of direct sun. Petunias and Calibrachoas are best for full sun.
  • Fuchsias, Begonias, all Impatiens, and mixed shade baskets should be placed in bright, but shaded or filtered sunlight locations, and could receive early morning or late evening direct sun. Except Boliviensis Begonias which would tolerate sun for most of the day, but will do alright in very bright shade locations.

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