Wave Petunias, 4 Pack Tomatoes & Opening More Up!

Posted on April 02, 2024

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Open 7 Days a Week 9:30AM - 5:00PM Open All Holidays
Wishing you a safe and happy long weekend with your Gnomies!

Hello Happy Gardeners,

Wishing you all a Happy Easter long weekend! We will be open every day from 9:30 am to 5 pm.

As our setup continues, we will be opening up more aisles in selling section 'A' tomorrow. This will allow access to the 4" potted Geraniums. Please keep in mind that the nights are still getting fairly cold, and some plants that are available for purchase will not survive the cold nights.

Our first planting of 2.5" Wave Petunias, Bacopa, Alyssum, Seed Geraniums and 4-pack Tomatoes are now available.  All the aisles in section 'B' are now open to allow browsing through all the Bareroot Perennials.

If you are looking for a nice growing gift, there is a great selection of budding Kalanchoes and Rieger Begonias, as well as some early Spring mixed planters.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
The Greenery Family

Mixed Hanging Basket Dates!

Many people are wondering when the Mixed Hanging Baskets will be available this season, please see below for the release dates:

Mixed 12" - April 26th, 2024
Mixed 16" - May 3rd, 2024
Mixed 14" - May 10th, 2024
These baskets will again be available through our online system.
Early Spring blooming mixed planters.
Congratulations to this week's winner...

Angie Marchinkow

Thank you for signing up for our e-newsletter! Next time you are in-store please see our cashiers for your prize.

Wave Petunias, Bacopa, Alyssum, Seed Geraniums & Bedding Pack Tomatoes!

The first planting of Wave Petunias is ready now! The 2.5" pots can be found on table C7.  You will also find the first Alyssum and Bacopa on tables C3 and C4.

Also now available are the first Seed Geraniums - currently located on table C8; you will find all the old favourites, including the Maverick series. 

The first 4 packs of Tomatoes can be found on table B9 and the 4.5" and 5.5" are on table B10
Wave Petunias in 2.5" pots and bedding pack Tomatoes.
Bacopa in 2.5" & 3.5" pots and Seed Geraniums in 2.5" pots.

Kalanchoes & Rieger Begonias

A nice selection of budding Kalanchoes is available on table A1 North and Rieger Begonias on table A3 South. These make for a bright and colourful, easy to care for indoor plant that can be moved to the outdoors when the weather is more favourable.
Beautiful and Bright Kalanchoes
Blooming Reiger Begonias

Bareroot Perennials Available

The tables of Bareroot Perennials (Perennials that we plant as a root) are starting to show.  You can browse tables B11 to B20 and see our Peonies, Hemerocallis (Day Lillies), Astilbe, Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts), Ferns, Iris, and so much more!
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Email: flowers@thegreenery.ca
           2507 Longhill Road
           Kelowna, BC
           V1V 2G5

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