Hello Happy Gardeners!
We have an incredible selection of berries in stock! We have provided great information below to help you choose between the varieties.
All the early hardy vegetables are stocked and ready in location on tables D17- D20. We also have a good selection of Seed Potatoes and Onion Sets.
Enjoy the sea of early Spring blooms when you visit us.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
The Greenery Family
Congratulations to this week's winner...
Louise Bernardin
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Pansies (Left), Bellis English Daisy with Myosotis (Forget-me-nots) in the background (Right)
We've Got a Bunch of Berries
A large assortment of Berries is available! Choose from Raspberries, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Currants, Boysenberries, Gooseberries, Loganberries, Jostaberries, Marionberries, Tayberries, Gojiberries and Grapes.
They are nicely rooted in, show good growth, and are available to purchase. All Berries can be found on tables D14, D15 and D16.
Everbearing Raspberry
These varieties have early summer and fall crops of berries that are produced on new canes each year. The canes should be cut part-way or to the ground at the end of the season.
- Autumn Bliss - Large, mild-tasting red berries.
- Encore - Large, sweet, juicy, red berries. Nearly spineless canes.
- Fall Gold - Golden yellow, medium-sized, sweet berries.
- Heritage - Large, sweet, red berries. Producing high yields, no staking needed.
- Joan J - High yields of large, sweet, deep red berries.
- Nova - Medium, red berries with excellent flavour. Upright canes with light spines.
- Prelude - Early ripening, medium-sized red berries with excellent flavour.
Summer Bearing Raspberry
These varieties have one crop of berries produced on last year's canes, while the fruiting canes should be pruned out at the end of the season.
- Boyne - Medium-sized, sweet red berries.
- Cascade Delight - Large, conical, sweet red berries.
- Killarney - Medium-sized, sweet, firm, red berries.
- SK Red Mammoth - Largest berries on record!
- Souris - Sweet, juicy, red medium-sized berries.
- Tulameen - Large, light red, firm, sweet berries.
- Black - Large, black-coloured berries with excellent flavour.
- Purple - Very large, purple-coloured berries with excellent flavour.
Blackberries offer excellent hardiness in the garden and produce sweet, large, firm, dark berries. Black Satin, Chester, Triple Crown and Loch Ness are all thornless and extremely productive varieties. Also available this season is Snowbank, a white Blackberry which produces large, sweet and juicy white fruits on second-year canes.
Currants are rich in flavour and full of vitamins. The Black variety produces larger, black fruits with excellent tangy flavour, while the Red and White varieties produce slightly smaller fruits. Use currents to add flair to dinner dishes and desserts.
When planting Blueberry plants, it is best to plant two different varieties for better pollination and a bigger harvest. Most soils are alkaline (have a high pH); since Blueberries like acidic conditions, add lots of plain peat moss or sprinkle granular sulphur over the growing area. Like all berries, add a balanced fertilizer at planting time.
- Bluecrop - large, bright blue, sweet fruits.
- Chandler - the largest-size berries, some said to reach cherry size!
- Duke - large, light blue fruits later bloom and ripen.
- Northland - medium-sized berries, tasting much like wild blueberries.
- Patriot - huge berries produced early in high yields.
- Northcountry - high yields of full-sized berries on very hardy, medium-sized bushes that can be grown in containers or smaller spaces.
The first planting of Strawberry plants is now available!
Choose from June-bearing varieties: Honeoye, Allstar, or Eclair; and Ever-bearing, day-neutral varieties: Albion, Seascape, Eversweet and Ozark Beauty.
These are in jumbo 6 packs on table D16.
Tables D17 to D20 are stocked with Hardy Vegetable Plants ready to be planted in the garden (in most locations) for nice early, bug-free crops! Nothing beats picking the first crops of lettuce, broccoli, and kale, and it could be only a few weeks away!
We planted our first crop of Broccoli over the weekend broccoli.
Pretty Perennial Primulas
We have a beautiful selection of double-flowering, perennial Primula! Choose from Nectarine, Valentine, Cream, Baltic Blue, Lively Lilac and Goldie all from the Belarina series. These little gems put on a fantastic show of colour each Spring with rich double blooms over bright green lettuce-like foliage.
Belarina Lively Lilac and Belarina Goldie (above), all can be found on table C5 and C6 right now.
Dinner Plate, Fringed and Pom Pom Dahlias, Gladiolas, and some Specialty Bulbs.