More Monstera, Spring Blooms, Tomatoes

Posted on March 14, 2024

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Hello Happy Gardeners,

Thank-you for all the support and enthusiasm from so many fellow gardeners who have come in to buy Tropicals, Succulents, and early-season items or to walk through our greenhouse and feel Spring approaching!   

The potted Daffodils are starting to bloom, and wide varieties of Primula and Pansies are in full bloom the early Hardy Vegetables transplants are ready, so it's really starting to feel like the gardening season is starting!

We have more Thai Constellation Monstera! - this time starter sized.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!
The Greenery Family

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Helen Lu

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Thai Constellation Monstera!

So many were excited to see we had some Thai Constellation Monsteras when we opened and we were sorry we had so few and sold out so quickly.  We managed to find some starter plants from another grower and they will be ready for purchase on Friday morning.  These are in small 4" round pots but many have 3+ leaves already.

Hardy Vegetables

You'll find a great selection of early hardy vegetable plants out on table D17. Choose from Broccoli, Lettuce, Mesclun Mix, Kale, Cabbage, Chard, Beets, Cauliflower, Spinach, Onions, Leeks and Brussel Sprouts.

Early 5.5" Potted Tomatoes

The early planting of Tomatoes in 5.5" pots are available. These are for the lucky few who have a greenhouse or solarium to grow and get some tasty, fresh homegrown fruits!  Our regular production of tomatoes is well underway and will be available in April. You will find this early selection on table A3 South.

We also still have a good selection of early 1 gallon and 6" potted Tomatoes.

Assorted Early 5.5" Potted Tomato Plants.

Choose from over 40 varieties in this early planting including Big Beef, Early Girl, Tumbler, San Marzano, Roma, Whopper, Sun Gold, Tiny Tim, Patio and Health Kick.

Rex Begonias

Rex Begonias are an excellent addition to any indoor plant collection. The unique and delicate foliage offers an incredible amount of variation while also being easy to care for and drought tolerant. We have been collecting these for years and they never fail to catch our eye. Choose from 20 stunning varieties including the always popular Escargot, spiral leafed variety.
Pots, Birdhouses & More
We continue to receive more shipments and are excited to have pots from The Rogerie for another season. These stylish pots are crafted right here in Kelowna from locally recovered plastic waste!  Check out their story at and check out their pots in store now.
Check Out The Rogerie!
We are also happy to have more handmade birdhouses from our local builders Ross and Lee.  All materials used in the construction of these unique artsy birdhouses are 100% recycled!
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              Kelowna, BC
              V1V 2G5

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