Voting Open Now!

Posted on November 09, 2022

Thank you for all the beautiful entries!

Voting Open

A sincere thank you to all who submitted their beautiful garden photos with us. Voting starts today, and we are looking forward to looking through all of your entries.

Click To Vote For Your Favourites

Did You Know?
If you entered the contest, you can share your photo entries on social media and get friends to vote for you!
Click here to access your entries and share your photos

You can vote up to 13 times!
That's 1 vote in each of the following 13 categories:

  1. Best Annual Flower Bed (Garden is designed primarily of annuals)
  2. Best Perennial Flower Bed (Garden is designed primarily of perennials)
  3. Best Flowering Planter (Any container growing flowering plants)
  4. Best Flowering Hanging Basket (Any hanging container growing flowering plants)
  5. Best Fruit & Vegetable Harvest (All proudly displayed harvests)
  6. Best Flower Close-up (Get up close and personal with those blooms)
  7. Best Kids in the Garden (Kids 'working' or playing in the garden)
  8. Best Pets & Plants (Your beloved fur child in the garden)
  9. Best Wildlife & Plants (Welcome or not, wildlife in the garden)
  10. Best Insects & Plants (Big or small, flying or crawling, any insect)
  11. Best Fruit & Vegetable Garden (Before the harvest, show your growing space)
  12. Best Succulent & Cactus Planter/Hanging Basket (Any container/hanger growing succulents/cactus)
  13. Best Foliage & Tropical Planter/Hanging Basket (Any container/hanger growing mostly foliage/tropical plants)

There will be TWO winners in each of the 13 categories.
One winner for each category will be chosen by public vote, and The Greenery Family will choose the other winner for each category.

There are some great prizes to be won, including gardening surprises and gift certificates.

Click To Vote For Your Favourites

Important Dates:

  • Sept 19: Contest opens for submissions
  • Nov 1: Last day for submissions (closes at noon)
  • Nov 9: Voting starts
  • Nov 28: Voting ends (closes at noon)
  • Dec 2: Winners announced
Happy Gardening and Good Luck!
The Greenery Family

Contact Us

2507 Longhill Road
Kelowna, BC, V1V 2G5
Phone: 250.762.7411

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